By sharing our concerns and successes, we all benefit.

Animals live to serve us one way or another, so knowing how to take care of them is critical for our mutual well being.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Reprogramming a stressful situation for a horse: REPLACE THE TRAUMATIC MEMORY for the horse

According to Barbara Wright: 
Equine Stress Control Therapy (ESCT) deals directly with the horse's brain through the optic nerve and skeletal structure, sending interrupt signals to it while it re-lives and then re-thinks its traumatic experience in a controlled setting. As a result, reprocessing of the harmful memory happens quickly and the horse is liberated of its fear.
Horses can return to their original fear within the situation and environment created by the ESCT therapist to re-establish as close a situation to the original as possible, and then discharge the energy associated with that fear. What is left in the horse's realm of experience is a new baseline of comfort stemming from having overcome the fear and having survived it.
The new experience creates a new memory with a new positive energetic charge and the old memory is removed.
Horses want to be healthy and whole. Being a healthy member of the herd is a biological imperative so the push to healing is great. A partnership with a human is also considered a herd bond, and the same push to healing and well-being in the horse applies in its relations with humans.
Equine stress management

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